Puzzler 48er is an original and challenging puzzle game developed by RabSoft, where the goal is to place a number of pieces in a 10 x 6 grid. More specifically, the game's objective is to fill the grid with ten differently shaped pieces until the puzzle is completed. Players are given a number of ten pieces in total, each one covering six tiles of the grid. The grid consists of a total of 60 squares. Pieces can be easily moved with the mouse and rotated by clicking the left mouse button. Once the grid is completed, we are automatically taken to the next challenge. The game's interface is extremely simple, and offers easy access to all of the game features through links located at the bottom of the screen. We can, for example, choose among the 48 game variations available by clicking on the previous/next links. We can also reset our game at any moment. Puzzler 48er is freeware, and demands very little resources of our system. It works in all Windows operating systems including Vista. All in all, Puzzler 48er is entertaining, original, and addictive; puzzle fans will surely love it.